May 23, 2024

User Guide: What Is AI Coach?

User Guide: What Is AI Coach?

April 17, 2024

Before we dive in, this is the second in a series of guides to introduce you to Pod. Feel free to check out the other guides on Atlas, Prioritize, or Organize.

As a sales professional, you're no stranger to the relentless demands of the job. On any given day, you’re supposed to be doing, responding, or engaging on a dozen different priorities or opportunities. It's like being in the middle of a battlefield, trying to fend off a dozen different priorities at once. And let's face it, sometimes you're flying solo without much backup from your manager or team. Despite your best efforts, being at the top of your sales game needs a ton of effort and countless hours of dedication.

What if there was a way to supercharge your sales game effortlessly?

What is Pod’s AI Coach?

It’s 2024. You’ve read about ChatGPT, heck, you’ve probably used it. Every tool on the planet seems to be touting some sort of AI capability. We’re not going to throw a bunch of buzzwords at you here. The truth is, AI is changing the sales game, and you don’t want to get left behind.

Enter Pod’s AI Pipeline Coach – it’s like having your manager constantly at your disposal. Pod's AI Coach uses artificial intelligence to revolutionize your approach to sales. Our AI Coach never stops learning and adapting based on user interactions and feedback, ensuring that recommendations are always relevant and effective. The AI Coach is there whenever you need it, to answer any hard hitting question you have.

Pod knows your sales world inside and out, thanks to its access to a diverse range of information sources:

  • CRM pipeline data: Gains insights from your CRM system, allowing Pod to understand your customer interactions, preferences, and history.
  • Email and calendar: Seamlessly integrated with your email and calendar, Pod analyzes your communication patterns and schedules to provide timely recommendations.
  • Sales best practices: Tapping into a goldmine of the most valuable sales practices and insights, Pod ensures you're always equipped with the latest strategies and tactics.
  • Pod alerts and deal prioritization: Keep your finger on the pulse of your deals with real-time alerts and prioritization, guiding you to focus your efforts where they matter most.
  • Notes: Your notes are valuable inputs, enriching the AI Coach with understanding your unique challenges and objectives.

Well-defined prompts will help you save time and minimize frustrations. Get personalized guidance that aligns with your unique sales objectives, preferences, and circumstances in seconds. Better yet, use the AI Coach’s suggested questions to get you started!

What can the AI Coach do for you?

  • Deal progression: Stuck on how to move a deal forward? Simply ask the AI Coach for strategic insights tailored to your specific deal.
  • Customer communications: Unsure how to respond to a tricky customer email? Let the AI Coach generate a polished response for you, drawing from a wealth of sales knowledge.
  • Prospect engagement: Crafting the perfect outreach message to a prospect is effortless with the AI Coach's data-driven suggestions.
  • Managerial support: Impress your manager with insightful updates instantly. Copy-paste their question, and let the AI Coach do the heavy lifting.
  • Pipeline insights: Stay ahead of the curve with real-time updates on your pipeline, courtesy of the AI Coach's comprehensive understanding of your sales data.

Meet your AI Coach

If you’re new to Pod, welcome. 👋 Start off by signing up for Pod to unlock features like the AI Coach and more. If you’re already a Pod user, find the AI Coach conveniently located in your sales tool belt, which is accessible from anywhere within Pod. Your AI Coach comes fully equipped with a plethora of example prompts tailored to your needs, ensuring you're always ready to hit the ground running.

For even quicker access, install our Chrome Extension.

Say goodbye to guesswork

In a fast-paced sales environment, staying ahead of the curve is not just a luxury – it’s a necessity. With Pod’s AI Coach by your side, you gain a competitive edge like never before. We make it crazy easy to close more deals faster and supercharge your growth. Don’t settle for outdated methods, elevate your sales game with precision-driven sales strategies. Try Pod's AI Coach for free today.

Head to User Guide: What Is Prioritize? next.

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