May 23, 2024

User Guide: What Is Organize?

User Guide: What Is Organize?

April 17, 2024

Before we dive in, this is the fourth in a series of guides to introduce you to Pod. Feel free to check out the other guides on AtlasAI Coach, or Prioritize.

Does this sound familiar? You're jumping between a dozen different tabs trying to find the information you need. You’ve got your CRM open, your calendar, your inbox, and you’re jumping through various Slack channels looking for notes.

Meanwhile, you’re being bombarded with inbound messages and meeting requests, each fighting for your attention. Not to mention the growing mountain of to-dos that seem more and more daunting. Now, important deals slip through the cracks, follow-ups fall by the wayside, and opportunities are missed. The consequences? Your sales performance takes a hit, your pipeline suffers, and your bottom line feels the impact.

Is this your reality? We get it, and we’re here to help.

What is the Organize space?

Imagine starting your day with absolute clarity on what needs your attention first. That's exactly what the Organize space does—it acts as a guiding light through your sea of tasks, keeping you laser-focused on what truly matters.

Organize isn't just about efficiency; it's about ensuring you make every hour of your day count. Whether it's prepping for crucial meetings or automating tedious data tasks, Organize serves as your assistant, allowing you to conquer your sales activities with precision and ease.

From elevating your readiness for upcoming customer demos to seamlessly navigating the sales process, Organize stands by your side, ensuring you perform at your peak. Your manager and RevOps will be impressed by your flawless execution.  No more wasted time switching between tabs to update your CRM records, schedule follow-up meetings, or respond to emails.

How does Organize work?

With Organize, every action brings you one step closer to achieving your sales goals. Organize spins its magic by pulling from a few different sources to help you take action:

1. Prep

The Prep tab highlights upcoming customer meetings and ensures you are always ready for these important conversations. You’ll be able to prepare for your call with notes and any information that will help you close those deals faster.

2. Automate

We’re handling the nitty-gritty details so you can dedicate your time to what truly matters – building relationships and sealing deals. No more dropped balls; within Organize’s Automate tab, you’ll receive timely alerts and nudges specifically for your pipeline. From keeping your CRM data up-to-date to flagging missing contacts and nudging follow-ups after meetings, we've got you covered. With personalized daily alerts, you can ensure your sales hygiene remains top-notch without missing a beat.

3. Follow-up

Organize not only helps you with upcoming tasks but also tracks those follow ups that you cannot miss to close your deals. Pod will even draft an email for you in seconds with the AI Coach feature to send to your deal contacts.

From staying organized and prepared for meetings to automating dreadful administrative tasks and following up on action items, Organize is your secret weapon for success in the competitive world of sales.

How to use Organize

  • Monday kickoff: You want to start the week strong by planning ahead for all your important customer meetings. With Organize, you can see your calendar at a glance and have everything you need to get done, listed by importance for you.
  • Daily check-in: Each morning, check in with Organize to see what's on the agenda for that day. With just a few clicks, you can review pre-drafted notes and reminders, ensuring you're fully prepared for whatever the day may bring.
  • Task time blocking: Block out time each day for your sales tasks and tackle them with speed and focus. Organize helps you stay focused and productive, ensuring nothing falls between the cracks.
  • Weekly cleanup: End the week on a high note by tidying up your pipeline and CRM. With Organize, you can easily update records and ensure everything is in order, making your RevOps team proud. Finally, you can close out the week with a clean slate!

The ultimate tool for streamlining success

Staying organized isn't just about striving for inbox zero or managing your calendar – it's about being able to spend more time on revenue-generating activities like selling. It's the difference between closing eight deals instead of seven this month, between reaching your goals and falling short. But it's not just about your success; it's about the value it brings to your entire organization. With Pod, RevOps teams can rejoice knowing that processes are followed, enabling them to forecast more accurately. Leaders gain greater visibility into progress, allowing them to support rather than scrutinize. And collaboration among colleagues becomes effortless, making it easier than ever to work together towards common goals. With Pod, you're not just closing deals faster – you're driving success across the board. Sign up for free.

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